Eat That Frog With Pomodoro

Khansa Irfan
3 min readDec 31, 2020

I had never listened to the word “Pomodoro” before but unconsciously, I already used this technique during my school days. I learn somewhere about this and try to implement but after this, I did not continue this technique. But the Amal course reminds me of this technique and realize that I can overcome the procrastination with the help of the Pomodoro Technique. Now you are thinking that what is Pomodoro and what is Pomodoro Technique? What I am talking about? Ok! Firstly I have to clear all about this.

Pomodoro is an Italian word that means Tomato. Nowadays a tomato shape device named Pomodoro is used in time management. Pomodoro Technique depends upon some steps which we have to take for eating this frog of procrastination. This technique also helps in maximizing the productivity level.

In the Pomodoro technique we can be productive by using the following steps :

  1. Firstly identify the most important task.
  2. Set a timer of 25-minutes.
  3. Work for the duration of the timer.
  4. After 25-minutes take a short break of 5-minutes.
  5. After about 4 Pomodoros, take a longer break of 15 to 20-minutes.

Now after the brief introduction of all this we have to come back to the main point. What I actually do is to eat this frog of procrastination with the Pomodoro Technique. So I took the following steps to do the experiment. Here are the following steps:

  1. I decided to complete this course because at that time it is the most important task.
  2. Then I set the timer to 25 minutes.
  3. I turn off WI-FI.
  4. I work until the timer rang.
  5. After this, I took a break of 5 minutes by walking into the room.
  6. I start again by setting up the timer again.
  7. After the fourth interval, I play a song and enjoy some snacks.
  8. I repeat this until I completed my work.


This Experiment was a little bit difficult for me in starting. As my concentration was diverted towards my cellphone again and again. To resolve this I keep my cellphone out of my approach. After this, all going well as I am able to concentrate on my work. This is an amazing experiment for me to maintain my concentration. I am able to use my time efficiently and have less burden of completing the task with high productivity. I would like to continue this technique in my daily life routine. Thankyou Amal for introducing me to this technique.


  1. I’ll try to use two different places for study and rest.
  2. I am thinking of using an alarm clock or any other timer next time except a cellphone.
  3. I also try to focus on not to keep the things near to me that distracted me.

